Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Networking to the 6th power!

You're invited.

We're hosting our Sixth Annual Computer Science Department Student/Alumni Event on

Thursday, April 18th, 2013
6:30 PM - 8 PM
Room A102
St. Albert's Hall

It's our sixth time around!  It's always a lot of fun. A great chance to reconnect with others who went to USF (or College of St. Francis). We have a new crop of students, so once again we're asking our alumni to talk about the interview and resume process for those who are looking for Programming or IT jobs.   And we'd like you to share your experiences.  We value your knowledge and expertise!

Based upon alumni suggestions, students should bring their resumes so they can get expert advice on how to best present a good technical resume.  If we have students and alumni who'd like to participate we can also hold mock interviews. 

There will also be time to meet and chat with everyone.  You can look forward to another fun evening.

Some topics we'll cover in our meeting are:

  • What works on a technical resume.
  • What should a candidate emphasize on a resume
  • What should be in a cover letter.
  • Questions that interviewers ask.
  • Questions candidates should ask.
  • Information that a candidate should have about the company before an interview.
Anything else you think would be relevant is also welcome.

This is an informal discussion, a sharing of insights and tips, so we'll provide some snacks and beverages.

We would really like to have you join us to share your knowledge.   Because of the informal nature of the program, please consider dropping in even if you can't make it right at 6:30 PM or if you have to leave early.

It will be a fun, interactive experience and a chance to see old friends. 

We'll announce the Joan Nahas Ramuta Award winner and our department winner for the Meritorious Service Award

Please let us know if you can join us.

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