Monday, March 22, 2010

With a little (a lot of) help from our friends.

On March 18th, Thursday afternoon, the students who attended the USF Computer Club/IEEE Branch event were introduced to the newly configured CompSci Server courtesy of USF Computer Science Alumnus & Director of USF Information Services, Tim Archer.

Tim described the servers now available and how students could VPN in to access the server resources. The servers include the firewall server, the virtualization server, the web server and the database server that was configured in the Fall database class with USF Computer Science Alumnus, Scott Walton. Tim gave everyone an opportunity to suggest what they'd like to see be part of our new configuration.

New proposed plans for the Computer Science Lab were also shown. This gives us a target to aim for as we look ahead to the future.

Cris & Ruth extend their thanks to Tim for all his work on the server room and making a new environment available to our students.

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